Thank you, and welcome back to FAPPAF's continuing coverage of Phenomenon, the 1996 cinematic opus.
Phenomenon is filled with amazing characters, but perhaps the 3 characters most integral to this amazing motion picture are those played by thespians John Travolta, Kyra Sedgwick and Forest Whitaker. If you want to see acting of the highest order, acting that will make you re-examine your life, then look no further than Phenomenon.
But where are these performers now?

Sedgwick has successfully transitioned into a much talked about television career. Last year she won an Emmy for her nuanced work in 'The Closer.'

Whitaker has become known as one of the finest actors of this or any age. He won an Oscar not so long ago for his emotionally terrifying performance in The Last King of Scotland.

And what about Travolta? Well, the forces that govern our fates have not been so kind to Travolta's career. He has most notably appeared in Battlefield Earth, and, well, ahem, yes...