On Christmas day I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was enjoyable, in some ways. Also, I must report that I failed to eat Chinese food on either Christmas Eve or Christmas, which has led to me being excommunicated from the Jewish community. Sorry, God...

"Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force." Sorry, I've just been thinking a lot about Star Wars. Um, next...

On Saturday I walked from my apartment on the Upper West Side down to Battery Park City, a distance of some 7.5 miles. It was an awesome day - foggy and mild, very Londonish. I stopped at Grandaisy Bakery and got two slices of potato pizza.

The Flatiron building, 23rd and Broadway. Next...

I stopped at the Chinese Bakery on Canal Street and got a pork bun and a coconut bun. The bakery had this glowing case of goodies, and an 'associate' from the store would pick out what you wanted and hand it to you, at which point you were supposed to go the cashier and pay, but paying is for suckers, so I just ran.

City Hall. Next...

Battery Park City, full of fogs and mists. This concluded my adventure.

On Sunday, the most notable thing that happened was I purchased a toasted coconut donut from Dunkin' Donuts and it was not so good. As you can see, they did a horrible job of 'coconuting' the donut. Not good.
