Well, Luke goes in and he finds Vader and they duel and yadda yadda yadda. However, my question is, what if Luke had listened to Yoda and had NOT brought his lightsaber? What would have happened? Would Vader have been easily able to kill him, Luke being without a weapon? I don't think so. I think there are two possibilities.
The first possibility is that an 'Easter Vader' would accompany Luke to Target, where they would do some back to school shopping...

-You remind me of your grandmother.
-Oh, nothing. Nevermind. Um, look at those spatulas!
The second possibility would be that Luke and Vader ride Mopeds around town...

-You have learned much, young one!
- Weeeeeee!!!!
-Nevermind, I take back what I just said.
Anyway, as you can see, it is rather unfortunate that Luke brought his weapon. He and Vader could have had so much fun. I wish I could rewind things - strong am I in the Force, but not that strong.