Some schools make it particularly easy to find a potential mate by offering profiles (with pictures) of current master and ph.d. students. For instance, Harvard Business School has a great profile section, which even includes a "24 hours with" feature in which there is a list of that person's activities for a day. It's a great way to see if you might be compatible with the person. Once you've found the person or persons you like, simply go to Harvard's web directory, type in the person's name, and now you know his or her e-mail address. An introductory e-mail may be written as follows...
Hi! My name is _______. I saw your profile on Harvard's MBA website. I think you're really cute and would like to go out sometime. Talk to you soon!
You are sure to hear back. If the institution does not have pictures or profiles but only listings with names and e-mail addresses, feel free to try Facebook or Google or just randomly send out e-mails and perhaps ask the person if he or she would be so kind as to send a picture and any other materials that are available.
Anyway, goodluck.