Anyway, you may recall that in a recent post I discussed my plans for a 5 borough walking journey. Just as the Hebrews sent spies into the promised land before entering, just as...I don't know, but anyway, I wanted to do a test-run before I did the full 34 mile, 5 borough journey.
My main concern had been the portion spanning Staten Island to the GW Bridge. So yesterday, starting at 1:00pm, I crossed the GW Bridge to New Jersey, and proceeded to walk south until I reached Bayonne, where I crossed the only bridge with a pedestrian walkway to Staten Island. I concluded the walk at 8:40.
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Anyway, it was a very difficult walk. I didn't really know where I was going. All I knew was that I needed to walk south. Many times I came to a dead-end and had to walk back and get on another road. I went through many neighborhoods I've never been to before. I had to cross turnpikes, where I no doubt looked like a homeless drifter. I had to stop and get quite a few fountain sodas. Yes, as you can see, it was quite epic.

Thus concluded my great adventure. I got home at 11:30 or so. It was a long day. Because of all the walking and sweating, I imagine, some of the dye from my jeans bled through and stained my legs. When I took off my pants I thought my legs were bruised and I was freaked out, but it was just the dye from the denim.
The 5 borough walk is going to be very very difficult. I might have to do some more conditioning before I'm ready. I will do it, though!
The End.