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Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Sick Society

Every now and then, usually every hour or so, I really don't have anything to do. I therefore decided to run a Google image search for 'pants.' Someone once said you can learn a lot about our culture by the returns one gets from searching a certain topic on Google. What I have learned is disturbing and rubbery.

For your examination, the first two images that showed up after searching 'pants.'

Bad - the legs are way too wide and it actually seems that the anatomical left leg is wider than the anatomical right, and yes, I'm accounting for the fold

I don't think I will even use a word to describe these 'pants'

Let me do some explaining. First, what is actually kind of interesting is that if you took the fabric and color of the first pair of pants and matched it with the fit of the second pair of pants, you'd actually have a fairly nice pair of pants. This serves to emphasize a very important matter: to be a nice pair of pants, both fit and color/fabric must be good, not simply one or the other.

Second, I am not so sure the second pair of pants is entirely unrelated to the new JCrew patchwork 'pants,' discussed in a previous post. Did a designer at JCrew perform a Google image search and draw inspiration from the above pants? I'm not saying it's not impossible. I think the only thing we can really be sure of is the rubbery nature of these findings.