This LITERALLY happened to me this weekend.
I decided I wanted Trinidadian food and therefore took it upon myself to venture to Queen's. I did a little research and my mind rested on a place called Singh's Roti Shop. I briefly looked at the map and thought I knew where I was going, thought being the keyword.
Before getting on the subway I thought it would be a good idea to stop at Starbucks to get a latte, and therefore I did. "Yes, I'll have a decaf grande vanilla latte, please." Decaf - that proved to be a mistake.

And so I set forth on my journey, transferring to the A train at 59th street, where I thought I would remain for the rest of the trip. Well, I sat down and relaxed and after a while we were in Brooklyn, and I thought to myself, hm, I'll just rest my eyes. As it turns out it was more than a little resting of the eyes, and it was not until much later that I realized I missed my stop. I was in the marshlands of Queens and had to take a train back to the proper stop.

Anyway, I had to take the train back, but then I realized I was on an express and only the local stopped at the station. And so I had to get off at an express stop and wait for a local. Then I looked at a map and realized I didn't even know the right stop. I actually had no real clue where Singh's was.
In a state of total despondency, I headed back to Manhattan. I got off at Chamber's Street and went to the Pakistani Tea House, where I had chicken tikka masala and various vegetables. Then I went to BonBon Chicken and had their 'spicy' Korean fried chicken wings, which, for some reason, came with a 'bun.'
So yeah, I really have no idea what happened today.