When I was a young boy I oft skipped breakfast. Well into College I did not eat 'till lunch. And then I became a huge fan of cereal and began eating breakfast every day. I became so in-love with cereal that I ate nothing but for an entire week. I wrote a journal of my experience, which was published in the Daily Collegian, the student newspaper at Penn State.
Things change, and now I usually do not eat cereal every day, but I still eat breakfast. These days I eat whole wheat toast, sometimes with hummus or other condiments. I also eat fruit and vegetables. It's so boring but I'm trying to lose a little weight. Now my morning is so bland. Usually food is the only thing that can make things more interesting. I do have a cup of coffee which is good, but it's just not enough.
And therefore, sometimes I try to get little things to give myself something to look forward to. Today I got dried apples. I'm not sure if they had added sugar. I hope they didn't as I'm trying to be careful about what I eat. I'm really worried they had sugar. Please - no sugar. Please. Hello? Why, thank you!
Anyway, I think this was a very boring and bad post, so sorry.

Please don't have added sugar...please